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NHS Employers Health and Care workforce strategy response now released:-


HEE Consultation on shaping the future – a draft health and care workforce strategy to 2027

HEE has published Facing the facts, shaping the future, a draft health and care workforce strategy for England to 2027. A consultation on the draft strategy will run until Friday 23 March 2018.

The six key principles proposed for future NHS workforce decisions are:

  1. Securing the supply of staff that are needed to deliver high quality care
  2. Training, educating and investing in the workforce
  3. Providing career pathways for all staff rather than just jobs
  4. Ensuring that people from all backgrounds have the opportunity to contribute to, and benefit from, healthcare
  5. Ensuring that the entire NHS is a modern model employer with flexible working patterns, career structures, and reward mechanisms
  6. Ensuring that in the future service, financial and workforce planning are intertwined.

The full strategy can be found here www.hee.nhs.uk/Facing the Facts & Shaping the Future.pdf

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