We are delighted that our simulation clinical fellow Dr Aoife Lillis, undergraduate education fellow Dr Max Bacon and a St Georges BSc student Megan Kerr were invited to present posters at the ASME (Association of the study of Academic Medicine) Annual Scientific meeting held in Glasgow on the 3-5th of July. The conference hosted a series of lectures, talks and workshops on all aspects of undergraduate & post graduate education and was attended by medics who are interested in education. Dr Aoife Lillis, Dr Max Bacon and Megan Kerr represented SASH simulation with 3 posters; Max the UGEF presented work on his excellent on call simulation programme which he has set up and runs for the medical students, Megan presented work for her dissertation which concentrated on making classroom low fidelity simulation more realistic and Aoife the simulation fellow presented the design for a curriculum based human factors simulation programme for new Internal Medical Trainee’s. This is the second time SASH has been represented at the ASME meeting and the doctor’s reported the conference was interesting and inspiring.
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