October the 1st marks 6th Famus Course to be run at East Surrey Hospital which is run by Acute Medicine consultants, Dr Martin Dachsel and Dr Nicholas Smallwood, who have been heavily involved with Famus from the start and champion it’s teaching.
Focused Acute Medicine Ultrasound (FAMUS) is the point of care ultrasound standard created specifically for Acute Medicine physicians to aid the management of the acutely unwell adult patient. The course teaches Point of care USS (POCUS) of lungs, abdomen, DVT (Deep vein thrombosis) scanning and achieving ultrasound guided vascular access. POCUS will likely replace the stethoscope in the near future and is now widely used for acutely unwell patients. It is endorsed by the Society for Acute Medicine and recognised by the AIM training committee as a specialist skill.
For information on how to book a place please email: [email protected]
To find out more about Famus click here: https://www.acutemedicine.org.uk/what-we-do/training-and-education/famus/
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