01737 768511 [email protected]

GMC unveils blueprint for better medical training

The General Medical Council have released a new document “Adapting for the future: a plan for improving the flexibility of UK Postgraduate medical training”. They were asked to carry out a review into the flexibility of training at the request of government and...
SASH MEM Shortlisted for Prestigious Staff Award

SASH MEM Shortlisted for Prestigious Staff Award

The Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Postgraduate Medical Education Team are very proud to support their Strategic Medical Education Manager Tina Suttle-Smith who has been nominated and shortlisted for the Behind the Scenes Employee of the Year award at the...

Code of Practice

Provision of information for postgraduate medical training. NHS Employers, Health Education England and BMA have jointly agreed and written a Code of Practice, which explains what information you should expect to receive from employers at each stage of the employment...

Monthly Teach-in events

The Postgraduate Medical Education team are delighted to be working in conjunction with The Royal College of Physicians, and are now hosting their monthly Teach in events. The Teach-ins aim to provide an update on advances in clinical practice for doctors in training,...
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