Anaesthetics & Intensive Care Management
Anaesthetists form the largest single hospital medical specialty and their skills are used in all aspects of patient care. Intensive care management is a dynamic specialty with the responsibility for caring for the most critically ill patients in hospital. Training Programmes Home
- The preoperative preparation of surgical patients
- The resuscitation and stabilisation of patients in the Emergency Department
- Pain relief in labour and obstetric anaesthesia
- Intensive care medicine
- Transport of acutely ill and injured patients
- Pre-hospital emergency care
- Pain medicine including:
- The relief of post-operative pain
- Acute pain medicine and the management of acute teams
- Chronic and cancer pain management
The training programme consists of four phases, which are:-
- Basic level (two years) CT1-CT2
- intermediate level (two years) ST3-ST4
- Higher level (two years) ST5-ST6
- Advanced level (one year) ST7
Education and Clinical Teams

Dr Christie Locke
Joint College Tutor of Anaesthetics
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Dr Locke is an Anaesthetic Consultant with special interests in paediatrics, gynaecological oncology and ENT surgery.
During her training she completed a fellowship in paediatric anaesthesia at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital.
Dr Locke has a particular interest in paediatrics and is the anaesthetic representative on the Paediatric Resuscitation Council. She has worked in international countries with OperationSmile, anaesthetising children for repair of cleft palates.
Before starting her consultant post at East Surrey Hospital Dr Locke was a locum consultant at the Royal Marsden Hospital and gained a huge amount of experience in anaesthesia of both adult and paediatric cancer patients.
You can contact Dr Christie Locke & Dr Afolake Bewaji at [email protected] & [email protected]

Dr Afolake Bewaji
Joint College Tutor of Anaesthetics
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Dr. Bewaji graduated from the University of Wales, College of Medicine (now Cardiff University) and started as a consultant anaesthetist at SASH, in March 2008. She completed her post-graduate training at the St. George’s school of Anaesthesia/ South West Thames Rotation.
Her areas specialist practice include anaesthesia for gynaecology; paediatrics and obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia. She is a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Other professional memberships include the Association of Anaesthetists, Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association and the Difficult Airway Society.
She is an educational supervisor and curriculum lead. She is also a member of the Leadership Local Faculty Group for SASH. She instructs on both the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) and the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) courses.
You can contact Dr Afolake Bewaji at [email protected]

Dr Alice Myers
Faculty Tutor of Intensive Care Management
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Dr Alice Myers MBBS BA(Hons) MRCP FRCA EDIC FFICM Alice Myers is a consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine with an interest in education and research. Appointed in 2017, she completed training in London and South East England (mainly at St Georges, Kings College and the Royal Free Hospitals). Prior to training in medicine, she studied English Literature and Language at Birmingham University and spent two years as the marketing manager at a design graphics publishing company.
She is faculty tutor for intensive care medicine, co-lead for research in critical care, FICE mentor (Focussed Intensive Care Echo) and course director for the EASY Final FRCA SOE course.
In critical care, her interests include ventilation and echocardiography. She also has a clinical interest in anaesthesia for major upper and lower gastro-intestinal surgery.
She has multiple publications and prizes, including the BMA Book Awards prize for Best Book in Paediatrics 2009 (Paediatrics: Clinical Cases Uncovered, ISBN 9781405159845).
You can contact Dr Myers at: [email protected]

Dr Jeremy Howard
Clinical Lead
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Dr Jeremy Howard (MBBS London Hospital Medical College 1995, Intercalated Bsc (Hons) Pharmacology 1992, FRCA 2002)
I have been a Consultant since 2005 and at East Surrey Hospital since 2008. I am currently the Lead Obstetric Anaesthetist and Surgical Division Lead for Infection Prevention and Control. My clinical sessions are in Labour ward, elective caesarean sections, upper GI surgery and ENT.
Lead for Obstetric Anaesthesia, Surgical Division Lead for Infection Control

Mr Ian Maheswaran
Chief of Surgery
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Prior to joining Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Mr Maheswaran undertook a National Bariatric Surgical Fellowship at St. Richard’s Hospital, Chichester, a Centre of Excellence in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery where he now holds an honorary contract. Working alongside the St.Richard’s multi- disciplinary team he provides a full Obesity Service. His other specialities include endoscopy, gall bladder disease, pancreatitis, anti-reflux and hernia surgery. He collaborates with colleague’s to provide a Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy, Complex Hernia Repair and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Service. Both elective and emergency operations are undertaken.
Mr Maheswaran is particularly interested in Medical Education having undertaken two Master’s Degrees and a London Deanery Fellowship in Education where he set up and delivered simulation training in order to improve patient safety and outcomes and is the Training Programme Director for Core Surgery Trainees in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. He is also Clinical Lead for the Trust Cost Improvement Program.
Mr Maheswaran is driven to deliver high quality, safe, patient centred care to the local community being born and raised in Redhill where his parents had combined over 50 years of service within the Trust. He very much regards the community as his friends and family.
Professional memberships include the Association of Upper GI Surgeons (AUGIS), British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS), Society of American Gastroenterology and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).

Syed Ali

Matyas Andorka

Peter (Piotr) Bajorek

Fred van Damme

Nada Bolad

David Burwell

Nick Courtenay-Evans

Somi Desikan

Gannat Gabr

Visakha Gunasekera

Ravi Kumar

Fiona Lamb

Patrick Morgan

Matthew MacKenzie

Claire Mearns

Eleni Syrrakou

Gordon Morton

Nutan Nafde

Simon Parrington

Debajit Phukan

Sarah Rafferty

Vijaya Ramaiah

Sameer Ranjan

Anna Riccoboni

Jan Rudiger

Frederic Sage

Mark Salmon

Andrea Diane Stewart

Philip Williams

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