As a foundation doctor working at SASH, your rotations will primarily be at East Surrey Hospital, note though for posts in Mental health Trusts, GP Services or St Catherine’s hospice you will be working in the local area.
We have a Programme Director for FY1-Dr Sunil Zachariah and for FY2 we have two Programme Directors, Dr Vik Ziauddin & Dr Sam Bandyopadhyay. Based in the Post Graduate Centre we have a Medical Education Manager and a Foundation Medical Education Officer who is always available to answer any questions and help in any way they can ([email protected]).
We provide 36 FY1 and 36 FY2 programmes, offering a range of Hospital based specialties as well as Community placements such as Psychiatry and General Practice.
We offer a comprehensive, curriculum-based lecture programme for both Foundation programmes – with bleep-free teaching for FY1s. All Foundation trainees receive a minimum of one days Simulation training in our state of the art Simulation Centre, this is run by dedicated Simulation Fellows
The Mess Presidents ensure there are lots of opportunities to socialise with your colleagues outside of work both locally in Redhill and Reigate, and in London due to excellent rail links from Redhill. The Summer Ball and Junior Doctor V Consultant Cricket Match are always very popular, and well attended by all Trust staff!
Dr Sunil Zachariah
Foundation Year One Programme Director
Dr Sam Bandyopadhyay
Foundation Year Two Programme Director
Dr Vik Ziauddin
Foundation Year Two Programme Director
Programme Structure
Taster Information
Taster opportunities are available for all foundation doctors who need support on deciding their career. The decision on whether provision of a taster opportunity is appropriate to support the foundation doctor’s career decision-making process should be made during careers discussion between the foundation doctor and the educational supervisor/foundation training programme director.
A foundation doctor who would benefit from a taster opportunity should undertake a taster programme in the specialty of their choice either during the final 4-months of foundation year 1 or early within foundation year 2. In order to facilitate this, it is required that local education providers provide taster opportunities for foundation doctors.
If a foundation doctor undertakes a taster programme in their foundation year 1, this should be recorded within the foundation e-portfolio.
The foundation doctor and their educational supervisor/foundation training programme director should discuss the requirements for a taster programme early in foundation year 1.
The taster should usually be undertaken within the foundation doctor’s ‘host’ local education provider. If both the foundation doctor’s foundation year 1 and foundation year 2 ‘host’ local education providers do not provide taster programmes in the specialty of the foundation doctor’s choice, or are unable to accommodate the foundation doctor, the foundation doctor can apply for an external taster programme in any of the local education providers within the foundation school that provides a taster programme in the specialty of the foundation doctor’s choice.
The Foundation Curriculum was updated in August 2021. Satisfactory completion of competencies and all mandatory assessments, along with meeting your Educational and Clinical Supervisors and satisfactory attendance at teaching will result in your successful completion of the foundation years.
Further details surrounding the new Foundation Curriculum can be found here
The local teaching programme is mapped to the Foundation national curriculum and was reviewed along with the curriculum in 2021 to ensure a high standard of teaching.