Core Medical Training
Forms the first stage of specialty training for most doctors training in physicianly specialties and will prepare trainees for participating in the acute medical take at a senior level and managing patients with acute and chronic medical problems in outpatient and inpatient settings. Medicine Home
We are dedicated to training the physicians of the future and have a very successful track record of doing this. Indeed, the 2008 PMETB survey rated The KSS School of Medicine as excellent and ranked it second best in England.
CMT programmes are based in regional acute Trusts and include large city based hospitals and smaller more rural placements. Trainees are based in one Trust for two years and undertake six four month rotations.
All CMT trainees have a dedicated Educational Supervisor who delivers individually tailored local weekly teaching sessions and is adept in clinical teaching and appraisal. All trainees provide weekly teaching sessions for medical students, and are exposed to acute medical takes to ensure complete coverage of the CMT curriculum.
For more information
For junior doctors currently working at Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, we have our own junior doctors page, which will help you to find out about additional educational activities and opportunities taking place at East Surrey Hospital. For more information please access the intranet, then copy and paste this link
Education and Clinical Teams

Dr Ben Field
View Profile
He gained a first class BMedSci before graduating in medicine with distinction from St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, in 1997. After specialist training at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals, he joined Imperial College London as an MRC clinical research training fellow, obtaining a PhD in 2009 for research into the neuroendocrine control of appetite, energy expenditure and insulin secretion. He is actively involved in research at SaSH and Imperial College, and is an honorary clinical senior lecturer at Imperial College London.
His interests encompass all aspects of diabetes and endocrinology, including structured education in type 1 diabetes mellitus, intensification of insulin treatment, insulin pump therapy, complex type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot disease, PCOS, pituitary diseases, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal gland disorders.

Education Campus Reception
01737 231722