General Internal Medicine
Many patients are cared for under the umbrella of general internal medicine. Medicine HomeMany patients are cared for under the umbrella of general internal medicine.
All Drs in training will gain invaluable experience on our very busy wards, caring for patients with a wide range of symptoms and diagnosis. Time management skills, prioritisation of tasks, common medical conditions, basic clinical and procedural skills, ward round skills will be developed whilst working on the general internal medicine wards.
Many patients are cared for under the umbrella of general internal medicine. These include the full range of adults admitted as emergencies with acute medical problems, ranging from the young fit person with severe acute illness, to the frail elderly with multiple disorders. Patients with problems that are not clearly within the remit of a particular medical specialty are referred to outpatient clinics for the opinion of a general physician.
Any doctor based in a GIM ward will be working on the acute medicine take.
Doctors in Training have the opportunity and are encouraged to take part in audit, quality and service improvement projects as well as patient experience initiatives. Previous trainees have been involved in Trust videos, the #hellomynameis campaign, electronic prescribing and white board technology and also the development of a junior doctor mobile phone app. This not only improves the experience of the Doctor in Training working on the unit in terms of non-clinical skills, it allows them additional opportunities in their personal development. We encourage our trainees to develop their critical thinking and writing skills and have supported many in presenting at national and international conferences. In the last two years we have had over 15 posters and 4 oral presentations at national and international conferences and we strongly recommend juniors to contribute to the Society for Acute Medicine conferences.
Education and Clinical Teams
Dr Ben Mearns
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Dr Natalie King
Clinical Lead
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Dr Natalie King MBBC, BSc, MSc, MRCP(UK)
Dr King was appointed as Consultant in Acute and Stroke Medicine in January 2011. After training at St George’s Hospital medical school she has worked throughout the south completing registrar training in General Internal Medicine, Geriatric and Stroke Medicine. She also holds a Master’s degree in Gerontology from King’s College, London.
She is responsible for acute admissions to the Acute Medical Unit and in-patient care of patients on Capel ward in her capacity as Lead for Acute Geriatric care. She also works in Stroke Medicine co-running the TIA service and also working as a Telestroke Consultant covering five acute hospital trusts out of hours for Stroke care. She is also Associate Chief of patient safety for Medicine.
Dr King’s special interests are in the acute medical care of older people, medical leadership and teaching and she currently holds Honorary Senior Lecturer titles at both St George’s Hospital, University of London, and Brighton and Sussex Medical School, our associated teaching hospital.
Dr Hanadi Asalieh
Dr Veqas Ziauddin
Wards Covered
- Godstone
- Capel