Latest Campus News
LapPass Assessment Day set for July the 9th
On July the 9th, 2021 East Surrey Hospital hosts a LapPass Assessment Day organised by consultant general and colorectal surgeons’ Mr Andy Day and Mr Tim Campbell Smith. Launched by the ALSGBI in 2015, the LapPass is a nationally recognised certificate of proficiency...
New hand held ultrasound probes for Doctors in Training
The PGEC is very excited to have purchased two hand held ultrasound devices that connect to a phone or Ipad to view images. The Butterfly IQ+ devices will expand the ultrasound teaching of the PGME to both medical students and Doctors in Training maximising their...
Clinical Education Fellow wins Teaching Award
The PGME Team would like to congratulate Clinical Teaching Fellow Dr Max Roberts on his receiving Joint Runner-Up Best Teacher Year 5 Award for 2019/20, as nominated by Year 5 Medical Students from Brighton and Sussex Medical School.  Dr Roberts has been with the...
Dr Toolbox App
The Dr Toolbox App downloads the content of your hospital toolbox and stores it for future reading even when the device is disconnected
The latest prescribing information from the most widely-used medicines information resources within the NHS. These apps are available to download for free by health and social care professionals in England, Scotland and Wales.
MicroGuide App
Simply download the app, select the Medical Organisation of your choice, then download their guide(s) to your device. All guides reside locally but are remotely updated whenever guidance changes, making sure that all clinicians are always accessing the latest information
BMJ Best practice App
Fast access to clinical decision support anytime, anywhere.
BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information. Our step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion
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01737 231722
SASH Education Campus
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Trust Headquarters
East Surrey Hospital
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