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SASH Education Campus.

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Latest Campus News

LapPass Assessment Day set for July the 9th

On July the 9th, 2021 East Surrey Hospital hosts a LapPass Assessment Day organised by consultant general and colorectal surgeons’ Mr Andy Day and Mr Tim Campbell Smith. Launched by the ALSGBI in 2015, the LapPass is a nationally recognised certificate of proficiency...

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New hand held ultrasound probes for Doctors in Training

The PGEC is very excited to have purchased two hand held ultrasound devices that connect to a phone or Ipad to view images. The Butterfly IQ+ devices will expand the ultrasound teaching of the PGME to both medical students and Doctors in Training maximising their...

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Clinical Education Fellow wins Teaching Award

The PGME Team would like to congratulate Clinical Teaching Fellow Dr Max Roberts on his receiving Joint Runner-Up Best Teacher Year 5 Award for 2019/20, as nominated by Year 5 Medical Students from Brighton and Sussex Medical School.   Dr Roberts has been with the...

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Dr Toolbox App

The Dr Toolbox App downloads the content of your hospital toolbox and stores it for future reading even when the device is disconnected


The latest prescribing information from the most widely-used medicines information resources within the NHS. These apps are available to download for free by health and social care professionals in England, Scotland and Wales.

MicroGuide App

Simply download the app, select the Medical Organisation of your choice, then download their guide(s) to your device. All guides reside locally but are remotely updated whenever guidance changes, making sure that all clinicians are always accessing the latest information

BMJ Best practice App

Fast access to clinical decision support anytime, anywhere.

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information. Our step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion

East Surrey Hospital has been an awesome place to be an F1. As a new anxious F1, the postgrad team have been very supportive, helpful and approachable throughout the year – I can only hope the postgrad team at my new trust are as good as the one at ESH

I have always found the teaching at the postgraduate centre to be very well organised. I have appreciated the friendly admin staff members there who always made me feel welcome

“Thank you for being such a approachable and supportive post-grad team” 
ED Registrar

Thank you very much for all the support, for being so welcoming and reassuring when we started last year and for always being so approachable and present if we needed any support

“Having worked at a few hospitals now, I can ensure any future doctors that they will be unlikely to find such a warm and welcoming Postgraduate team as East Surrey provide” Core Anaesthetics Trainee

“I am always grateful when I have a job at ESH, because one of the factors is, I know how good the PGEC is!” 
Core Anaesthetics Trainee

“I would like to thank you for all the support you have given us throughout. It has been a pleasure working at ESH and I can say with confidence that I learnt a lot” FY1

“The support from the whole PGEC team has been amazing”

“It has been a brilliant year at ESH and I have never felt so supported as a junior doctor and I have been telling a lot of people that SASH is a great Trust to work for as I truly believe it. Thank you so much”
“Thank you for another great year at SASH. It is a special place. Thanks again to you and your team for everything”
ED Registrar

“The PGME team have been fabulous and really stand out as the best medical team I have ever known. You are all absolute stars and I really want to thank you for everything you’ve done and the genuine care and passionate way in which you’ve looked after us”
“Thank you all for your support over the last 12 months. I’ve really enjoyed my F1 year and will miss the trust very much!”

Education Campus Reception

01737 231722

SASH Education Campus
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Trust Headquarters
East Surrey Hospital

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