Trust Handbook and Key Information
SASH Trust handbook will provide you with key information about our educational offering to you, useful telephone numbers and email addresses and key Trust policies Medical Education HomeDownload Trust Handbook
Uniform Policy Appearance and Workwear
All staff working at Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (SASH) are ambassadors for the organisation and must recognise that appearance acts as a visual measure of how the public views the Trust. This has an impact on public confidence and the reputation of the organisation.
The Trust expects all staff to present a professional and smart appearance to both patients and the public when at work and to play their part in ensuring the principles of this policy are embedded in day-to-day work and clinical practice by following the framework of the attached policy.
We would advise you to take particular note of the following pages in the Trust Handbook:
Summary of dress code pages 8-10
Footwear page 12
Scrubs pages 14-16