01737 768511 [email protected]

Speciality, Associate Specialists and Locally Employed Doctors

SAS doctors who work at Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust are recruited as Specialty and Associate Specialists, Specialty Doctors or Staff grades.
Medical Education Home

Speciality and Associate Specialists

SAS doctors who work at Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust are recruited as Specialty and Associate Specialists, Specialty Doctors or Staff grades

We work closely with Health Education Kent, Surrey & Sussex (HEKSS), as on top of the Trust’s study leave payments, HEKSS provide us with a separate SAS training fund, which can be used as a group for specific career development opportunities as opposed to maintaining current professional practice.

For more information on the work HEKSS provides for SAS doctors, please see https://kss.hee.nhs.uk/sas-in-hekss/

Any individual joining the Trust on a substantive Specialty Doctor or Associate Specialist contract should contact us so we can add you to our database. Please contact the Medical Education Manager via [email protected]

Education Campus Reception

01737 231722

SASH Education Campus
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Trust Headquarters
East Surrey Hospital

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