01737 768511 [email protected]

Approval Forms

Study Leave Home

Forms to download

All mandatory fields must be completed. If they are not it will be returned to you, and remain unapproved until the requested actions have been completed.

Once fully completed, please send forms to the study leave team for approval. Once approved, you will receive a scanned copy of your form which will inform you of your remaining budget.

All mandatory induction elearning modules must be completed, otherwise your study leave will be returned unapproved.

You must provide the relevant course code on your form, and tick whether the course is mandatory/optional/discretionary. You can find this information on the LASE PGMDE Support Portal, by clicking through to your specialty page:

  • You must provide agendas where applicable (eg conferences)
  • If your course is not on the list, is it “discretionary” and you will need to apply for a discretionary course code in order to secure approval for funding

Education Campus Reception

01737 231722

SASH Education Campus
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Trust Headquarters
East Surrey Hospital

Contact Us

I have read and accept the terms & conditions.

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