01737 768511 [email protected]

Online Resources & Literature

SASH is responsible for ensuring that the provision of careers support for all trainees is of an adequate standard. We also see it as our responsibility to ensure that you feel well supported emotionally and mentally.
Career & Welfare Support Home

Supporting your mental health and wellbeing

Supporting learners’ and staff mental wellbeing is a top priority for the NHS and Health Education England has put in place a suite of materials which will support a necessary long- term strategy for protecting and maintaining the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of the workforce.

Feeling lost: you are not alone - London School of Paediatrics 2021

Consultants and trainees share their stories of challenges in their training – some personal, some professional – hopeful messages and advice on how to seek support. Lots of general themes that would be relevant to all specialties.

In pursuit of wellness

Recognising and talking about emotional wellbeing can be a challenge – How are you feeling today?

NHS employers

How are you feeling today?

COVID Support

Supporting Healthcare Learners through the pandemic with a Coronavirus Advice Guide

Education Campus Reception

01737 231722

SASH Education Campus
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Trust Headquarters
East Surrey Hospital

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