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The Reimbursement Process Explained

Study Leave Home

You must have completed the study leave approval process before you can claim course reimbursement.

Reimbursement process:

      1. Submit your claim on Easy Expenses within 90-days of attending the course
        • If you haven’t claimed before you will not have an account and will need to self-register.
        • Use our claims help page to help you correctly submit first time.
        • Add a new claim, all course/study claims must use the relevant expense type beginning with “Course/Study”.
      2. The PGME team will review your claim, if any additional documentation is needed it will be rejected.
        • You will receive an automated rejection email (check junk mail).
        • You need to log on, view the rejection comments, take action and resubmit.
        • If you do not resubmit, your claim cannot progress.
      3. Once actioned and resubmitted, the Strategic Medical Education Manager will approve, the claim then goes to payroll.
      4. Claims sent to payroll before the 10th of each month will be included in that month’s payslip

A high volume of claims are received prior to the payroll cutoff so, to ensure fairness, claims are processed by date submitted. Submit your claim well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Make sure you pick an expense type starting with “COURSE/STUDY” so that you claims come to the Medical Education Team to be reviewed and authorised.



Education Campus Reception

01737 231722

SASH Education Campus
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Trust Headquarters
East Surrey Hospital

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