External Health & Wellbeing Support
SASH is responsible for ensuring that the provision of careers support for all trainees is of an adequate standard. We also see it as our responsibility to ensure that you feel well supported emotionally and mentally. Career & Welfare Support HomePHP
The NHS Practitioner Health Programme is in award winning, free and confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists with issues relating to a mental or physical health concern or addiction problem, in particular where these might affect their work.
Covid-19 Wellbeing Support Package
HEE KSS Management of Trainees Requiring Additional Support
The postgraduate education department will work closely with HEE KSS in the management of any doctor in training who requires additional support.
Trainees who require additional support might do so to help them to overcome problems threatening completion of their training post or programme. Identifying that an individual needs additional support and is in difficulty is not to label them, but to initiate certain processes intended to help them complete training successfully and continue to contribute to the work of the NHS.
Professional Support Unit
The Professional Support Unit (PSU) provides a shared service of expert resources to support the professional development of clinicians in London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) and access is via self-referral.
Stress, Mental Health and Wellbeing
This provides tips and tools around preventing stress in the workplace. Remember the importance though of talking to colleagues, including us in the PGME team.
Earlier in our website you will find details of The NHS Practitioner Health Programme is an award winning, free and confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists with issues relating to a mental or physical health concern or addiction problem.
International Medical Graduates
This resource has been created primarily to support IMGs with various practical resources to assist with the transition to the UK. It takes shape in the form of an e-learning package, with the aim to provide IMG doctors with some practical advice and tips in response to some of the common issues that were highlighted in the survey. The underlying key message from all these materials is that “It is okay to ask for help”.
Examination Support
If, like many other trainees, you are experiencing difficulty passing an examination, the first step is to seek feedback, advice and support from your Educational Supervisor. If you would like confidential individual assessment and support, then you can contact the Individual Support Team (IST).
AOMRC Support for Doctors
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges believes it is vital that all doctors and NHS professionals support one another by providing an environment that encourages and enables us to make choices that promote healthy lives and wellbeing. If doctors are looking for support there are a range of organisations, services and websites which can offer help. The links on our new webpages signpost support available:
Additional guidelines for trainees requiring support
It is well-known that doctors are at high risk of stress-related problems in addition to physical and mental health issues which may affect any individual.
This guideline is designed as a reference document for trainees who feel they require additional support. This may be needed to support them in meeting their educational and training needs. Doctors who have a known physical or mental health problem or suspect they have a physical or mental health problem may also find them of benefit.