Clinical & Education Supervisors
This section gives information on the roles and responsibilities of the educational and clinical supervisor. Education Faculty HomeClinical Supervisors
For every rotational placement a doctor in training will have a named clinical supervisor who will be involved in teaching and training in the workplace and who will help with both personal and professional development.
Roles & Responsibilities of a Clinical Supervisor
All clinical supervisors:
- Should be involved with teaching and training the trainee in the workplace and should help with both professional and personal development
- Must offer a level of supervision of clinical activity appropriate to the competence and experience of the individual trainee; no trainee should be required to assume responsibility for or perform clinical, operative or other techniques in which they have insufficient experience and expertise. Trainees should only perform tasks without direct supervision when the supervisor is satisfied regarding their competence so to do; both trainee and supervisor should at all times be aware of their direct responsibilities for the safety of the patients in their care
- Must support the trainee in various ways:
- Direct supervision in the operating theatre, ward or consulting room
- Close but not direct supervision, e.g. in the theatre suite, in the next door room, reviewing cases and process during and/or after a session
- Regular discussions, review of cases and feedback
- Ensure that the trainee has time scheduled to hand over the care of their patients
He/she may delegate some supervision to consultant colleagues, specialty trainees, appropriately experienced non-consultant career grade doctors and other healthcare professionals such as advanced nurse practitioners etc.
- Should work with the educational lead/college tutor to organise specialty induction – to include:
- Introduction to the clinical department (duties of the post, particular responsibilities, departmental meetings and senior cover)
- Role of the multi-disciplinary team that covers out of hours to ensure safe and effective clinical care at nights and weekends
- A cross specialty induction, if cross cover is required, to include bleep policies, handover, clear team understanding of individual competencies
- Agreeing specific and realistic specialty learning objectives appropriate to the level of the individual trainee
- Must meet the trainee before or within a week of the starting the placement, to establish a supportive relationship and agree a learning plan
- Provide regular review during the placement both formally and informally to ensure that the trainee is obtaining the necessary experience, including supervised experience in practical procedures and to give constructive feedback on performance. Meetings should be regularly documented and it is good practice to aim to meet the trainee weekly to discuss progress and problems in a less formal setting
- Perform and oversee the work-based assessments detailed in the e-portfolio, ensuring that other members of the team understand the relevant assessment methods and how to apply them in practice
- Encourage the trainees attendance at formal education sessions
- Ensure a suitable timetable to allow completion of all requirements of the specific curriculum
All clinical supervisors
- Must have prepared themselves adequately for the role, be familiar with the relevant training curriculum and the specialty specific learning objectives (see and relevant specialty page for links to the curricula)
- Should be members of the department faculty group
- Are responsible for ensuring that relevant information about progress and performance is made available to the educational supervisor in preparation for the relevant Local Faculty Group (LFG) and towards the end of the placement to inform the end of placement appraisal and the educational supervisors report for the ARCP
- Are responsible for creating a learning environment in the workplace to enable positive and constructive feedback to the trainee from the multi-professional team and ensure that they are approachable so that the trainee can report any issues and concerns regarding their training
- Are responsible for informing the educational supervisor should the performance of any individual trainee give rise to concern
Educational Supervisors
An educational supervisor is assigned throughout the whole educational contract with the Trust. They will meet the doctor in training regularly to review educational progress and to encourage reflection and the collection of appropriate supporting information on all aspects of Good Medical Practice for Revalidation.
Roles & Responsibilities of an Educational Supervisor
The educational supervisor should meet regularly with the trainee to review educational progress and to encourage reflection and the collection of appropriate supporting information on all aspects of Good Medical Practice for Revalidation
Educational supervisors will support the trainee by:
- Oversee the education of the trainee, acting as their mentor, monitoring clinical and educational progress and ensuring that the trainees receive appropriate career guidance and planning
- Meet with the trainee in the first week of the programme (or delegate to a colleague if absent on leave), ensuring that the structure of the programme, the curriculum, portfolio and system of assessment are understood and to establish a supportive relationship. The educational agreement should be signed and a Personal Development Plan with clear objectives should be agreed
- Provide the trainee with opportunities to comment on their training and on the support provided and to discuss any problems that they have identified
- Hold regular review meetings in protected time and in a private environment. The portfolio will be reviewed to ensure satisfactory progress against the curriculum and personal development plan. Feedback will be given; this may require the educational supervisor to have discussed with the clinical supervisor, those involved in clinical supervision and other key professionals with whom the trainee has worked during the placement. The mechanism of obtaining this information should be made clear to the trainee
- Discussing any complaints and/or serious incidents and writing a reflective note in the portfolio. Ensuring that further discussion is carried out with the Director of Medical Education
- Meet with the trainee at the end of the year to carry out a final appraisal session, which will consist of reviewing all the assessments, the portfolio of evidence of learning and ensuring that all the learning objectives of the programme have been satisfied. Support the trainee in preparing for the ARPC. All necessary documentation needs to be completed and returned to the Programme Director to enable satisfactory completion of the end-of-year paperwork
If the trainee’s performance is not reaching the required standard
- This should be discussed with the trainee as soon as identified
- A written record of the meeting is kept
- Remedial measures should be put in place as soon as possible with clearly defined written objectives
- Trainees must have an opportunity to correct any deficiencies identified
- The appropriate Programme Director, MEM and DME should be informed of any significant problem
All educational supervisors
- Should be approachable, keen to develop the trainee and understand the importance of the role
- Must be familiar with the programme curriculum, e-portfolio and programme design (see and relevant specialty page for links to the curricula)
- Are responsible for ensuring that relevant information about progress and performance is made available before every relevant Local Faculty Group (LFG)
- Will act as a resource for trainees seeking specialty information and guidance
- Should be members of the department faculty group
- Must be given adequate time to perform their role and 0.25PA per trainee will be identified in their job plan
- Will be accountable to the Director of Medical Education, with regards to fulfilling their contractual responsibility to the trainee
HEE KSS and SASH Standards for Clinical and Educational Supervisors
Clinical and Educational Supervisor training arrangements
Standards for Clinical Educational Supervisors
RCP E-portfolio Guidance
For all clinical and education supervisors to core medical trainees. This 20 minute video will help you support them throughout the year, and in preparation for their ARCPs and interim reviews.
It will also, in the second half of the video, show you where to correctly obtain the right forms to complete on their placements.
Please note that this was recorded in a face to face training session.
Enhancing Supervision for Postgraduate Doctors in Training Guidance

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